Hello! I’m Amelia Carpenter, a designer, researcher, and strategist. This is me.


This is my home turf.

The University of Cincinnati is so much more than DAAP. I’ve grown to love this city and this campus. Go Cats!


This is what I do in my free time.

After a 10 year hiatus, I’m back in the saddle and can’t remember why I ever stopped. This is Tango :)


This is my hometown.

Brotherly love? Yep. The Liberty Bell? Yep. It’s Always Sunny? Unfortunately, not.


This is where I thrive.

These notes are from an interdisciplinary course bridging art and neuroscience. I thrive when I’m using both my left and right brain.


This is my happy place.

Nothing beats skiing on 6 AM glass, then sitting on the porch of my 120-year-old family cottage on Skaneateles Lake.

This is the coolest thing I’ve ever done.I spent 7 months traveling solo around the world to explore design on my own terms before starting at DAAP.

This is the coolest thing I’ve ever done.

I spent 7 months traveling solo around the world to explore design on my own terms before starting at DAAP.